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Install vim for ubuntu
sudo apt-get install vim
Vim tutorial
Open ubuntu shell zzy@zzy:~$ vimtutor =============================================================================== = W e l c o m e t o t h e V I M T u t o r - Version 1.7 = =============================================================================== Vim is a very powerful editor that has many commands, too many to explain in a tutor such as this. This tutor is designed to describe enough of the commands that you will be able to easily use Vim as an all-purpose editor. ...
Linux change keymap
setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps // swap ctrl and caps lock
We have three vim modes: Command mode: all keystrokes are interpreted as commands Insert mode: most keystrokes are inserted as text (leaving out those with modifier keys) Visual mode: helps to visually select some text, may be seen as a submode of the the command mode.
Switch between vim modes
To switch from the insert or visual mode to the command mode, type <Esc>. To switch from the command mode to the insert mode type one of i -> switch to insert mode before the current position a -> switch to insert mode after the current position (append) I -> jump to the first non-blank character in the current line and switch to the insert mode A -> jump to the last character of the current line and switch to the insert mode To switch from the command mode to the visual mode type one of v -> switch to the visual mode (character oriented) V ->switch to the visual mode (line oriented) Ctrl-v -> switch to the block-visual mode (select rectangles of text) All commands that take a range (for example subtitution, delete, copy or indentation) work with the visual mode too. Reference:
Vim commands overview
0 "移动到行首 $ "移动行尾 ^ "移动到行首的第一个非空白字符 w "向前移动一个单词 b "向后移动一个单词 ctrl+i " 往前跳 ctrl+o " 返回 ctrl+] " 进入函数 Ctrl-f 即 PageDown 翻页。 Crtl-b 即 PageUp 翻页。 zt scrolls to the top zz scrolls to the middle zb scrolls to the bottom
jump commands
% 配对寻找 {}、[]、()、#if #else #endif { 跳到上一段的开头 } 跳到下一段的的开头. ( 移到这个句子的开头 ) 移到下一个句子的开头 [[ 跳往上一个函数 ]] 跳往下一个函数
:set hlsearch 高亮所有匹配字符串 :nohlsearch 临时关闭,他的缩写形式是::noh :set nohlsearch 彻底关闭,只有重新:set hlsearch才可以高亮搜索 * 向后搜索光标所在位置的单词 # 向前搜索光标所在位置的单词 n和N可以继续向后或向前搜索匹配的字符串 :nnormap <silent> <Space> :nohlsearch<Bar>:echo<CR>按空格关闭高亮,清空所有已经显示的 如果你想在高亮与不高亮之间快速切换,可以做一个映射 : :noremap <F4> :set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR> 按回车,临时返回高亮搜索 :nnoremap <CR> :nohlsearch<CR><CR>
dd 剪切当前行 ndd n表示大于1的数字,剪切n行 :1,10d 从第一行剪切到第10行 dw 从光标处剪切至一个单子/单词的末尾,包括空格 de 从光标处剪切至一个单子/单词的末尾,不包括空格 d$ 从当前光标剪切到行末 d0 从当前光标位置(不包括光标位置)剪切之行首 d3l 从光标位置(包括光标位置)向右剪切3个字符 d5G 将当前行(包括当前行)至第5行(不包括它)剪切 d3B 从当前光标位置(不包括光标位置)反向剪切3个单词 dH 剪切从当前行至所显示屏幕顶行的全部行 dM 剪切从当前行至命令M所指定行的全部行 dL 剪切从当前行至所显示屏幕底的全部行 "_d 剪切到另一个寄存器
yy:复制当前行 nyy:n表示大于1的数字,复制n行 yw:从光标处复制至一个单子/单词的末尾,包括空格 ye:从光标处复制至一个单子/单词的末尾,不包括空格 y$:从当前光标复制到行末 y0:从当前光标位置(不包括光标位置)复制之行首 y3l:从光标位置(包括光标位置)向右复制3个字符 y5G:将当前行(包括当前行)至第5行(不包括它)复制 y3B:从当前光标位置(不包括光标位置)反向复制3个单词
p:在当前光标处下面粘贴内容。 P:在当前光标处上面粘贴内容。
Insert 模式下执行命令
可以在 Insert 模式下执行任何一个 Normal 模式下的命令: Ctrl-o(键入Ctrl + 英文字母O 后输入要执行的命令)
case insensitive search
:set ic // case insensitive search :set noic // to go back to case-sensitive searches use // ic is shorthand for ignorecase or /\c <word> // case insensitive search
copy to clipboard
1. shift+v 选择要复制的内容, 或者ctrl+v选择要复制的内容 command: "+y
vim binary
// open for read vim <(xxd test)
open for read/write
:set binary :%!xxd :%!xxd -r
Go to definition using g
gd will take you to the local declaration. gD will take you to the global declaration. g* search for the word under the cursor (like *, but g* on 'rain' will find words like 'rainbow'). g# same as g* but in backward direction. gg goes to the first line in the buffer (or provide a count before the command for a specific line). G goes to the last line (or provide a count before the command for a specific line).
vimdiff file1 file2 vimdiff <(xxd file1) <(xxd file2)
file explorer
:e . Open integrated file explorer :Sex Split window and open integrated file explorer :Sex! Same as :Sex but split window vertically
tab command
:tab split filename -> use tab to display buffers gt -> go to next tab gT -> go to previous tab 0gt -> switch to 1st tab 5gt -> switch to 5th tab
using an external program
:! -> call any external program :!make -> run make on current path
switching case of characters
You can change the case of text: Toggle case "HellO" to "hELLo" with g~ then a movement. Uppercase "HellO" to "HELLO" with gU then a movement. Lowercase "HellO" to "hello" with gu then a movement. Alternatively, you can visually select text then press ~ to toggle case, or U to convert to uppercase, or u to convert to lowercase.
~ Toggle case of the character under the cursor, or all visually-selected characters. 3~ Toggle case of the next three characters. g~3w Toggle case of the next three words. g~iw Toggle case of the current word (inner word – cursor anywhere in word). g~$ Toggle case of all characters to end of line. g~~ Toggle case of the current line (same as V~). The above uses ~ to toggle case. In each example, you can replace ~ with u to convert to lowercase, or with U to convert to uppercase. For example: U Uppercase the visually-selected text. First press v or V then move to select text. If you don't select text, pressing U will undo all changes to the current line. gUU Change the current line to uppercase (same as VU). gUiw Change current word to uppercase. u Lowercase the visually-selected text. If you don't select text, pressing u will undo the last change. guu Change the current line to lowercase (same as Vu).
reference // vim commands // 高效vim
Next: vim more plugin, Previous: vim basic command, Up: Top [Contents]
create file: ~/.vimrc create directory: ~/.vim ~/.vim/doc ~/.vim/plugin ~/.vim/syntax
basic set
set number " set line number set hlsearch " set highlight search syntax on " syntax hightlight
:help keycodes
file explorer
:e .
sudo apt-get install ctags goto source code's top directory, run: ctags -R
download: unpack in ~/.vim directory manual: help taglist.txt add the following code to ~/.vimrc file let Tlist_Show_One_File=1 "不同时显示多个文件的tag,只显示当前文件的 let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow=1 "如果taglist窗口是最后一个窗口,则退出vim command in vim environment :Tlist
sudo apt-get install cscope cscope -Rbkq // add cscope add cscope.out // find 0或者s —— 查找这个C符号 1或者g —— 查找这个定义 2或者d —— 查找被这个函数调用的函数(们) 3或者c —— 查找调用这个函数的函数(们) 4或者t —— 查找这个字符串 6或者e —— 查找这个egrep匹配模式 7或者f —— 查找这个文件 8或者i —— 查找#include这个文件的文件(们) // help 使用方法: :cs help // example cscope find g print cscope find f cstest.h // help cscope commands: add : Add a new database (Usage: add file|dir [pre-path] [flags]) find : Query for a pattern (Usage: find c|d|e|f|g|i|s|t name) c: Find functions calling this function d: Find functions called by this function e: Find this egrep pattern f: Find this file g: Find this definition i: Find files #including this file s: Find this C symbol t: Find this text string help : Show this message (Usage: help) kill : Kill a connection (Usage: kill #) reset: Reinit all connections (Usage: reset) show : Show connections (Usage: show)
NERDTree let NERDTreeDirArrows=0 :NERDTree
unzip -n /home/zzy/ -d ~/.vim 在.vimrc文件中添加 let g:winManagerWindowLayout='FileExplorer|TagList'
download install copy mark.vim to ~/.vim/plugin usage \m mark or unmark the word under (or before) the cursor \n clear this mark (i.e. the mark under the cursor), or clear all highlighted marks . \r manually input a regular expression. 用于搜索. \* 把光标向前切换到当前被Mark的MarkWords中的下一个MarkWord. \# 把光标向后切换到当前被Mark的MarkWords中的上一个MarkWord. \/ 把光标向前切换到所有被Mark的MarkWords中的下一个MarkWord. \? 把光标向后切换到所有被Mark的MarkWords中的上一个MarkWord. Highlighting: Normal mode: \m mark or unmark the word under (or before) the cursor Place the cursor under the word to be highlighted, press \m, then the word will be colored. \r manually input a regular expression To highlight an arbitrary regular expression, press \r and input the regexp. \n clear this mark (i.e. the mark under the cursor), or clear all highlighted marks Visual mode: \m mark or unmark a visual selection Select some text in Visual mode, press \m, then the selection will be colored. \r manually input a regular expression (base on the selection text) Command line: :Mark regexp to mark a regular expression :Mark regexp with exactly the same regexp to unmark it :Mark to clear all marks 说明: 这些命令中的 '/' 是 vim 中的 mapleader, 你也可以设置为别的: 如, 若要设置为 ',', 把下面这条语句加到.vimrc文件中, 即可, let mapleader=","
vim color scheme
git clone mkdir ~/.vim/colors cp desert.vim/colors/desert.vim ~/.vim/colors/ colorscheme desert -> add to ~/.vimrc
reference // vim搭建IDE设置参考 // vim IDE续 // vimrc配置范例 // NERD tree 文件系统导航 // taglist 方便查看源文件结构 // lookupfile 文件查找插件 // vim IDE 搭建 // vim + ctags + taglist配置和使用,一键安装 ctags和cscope的方法,vim语法高亮,自动缩进,python 自动缩进设置
mru 1. Copy the mru.vim file to one of the following directories: ~/.vim/plugin 2. Restart Vim. 3. You can use the mru :MRU
<F1> 显示键映射帮助。 <CR>/<Enter> 跳转到当前光标下的 tag。如果是伪标签或一般的头信息则没作用. p 源文件跳转到当前光标下的 tag。但光标停留在 Tagbar 窗口。 <LeftMouse> 如果点击折叠图标,按折叠的当前状态开打开或关闭折叠。 <2-LeftMouse> 同 <CR>。如果希望使用单击替代双击,参考 |g:tagbar_singleclick|。 <Space> 在命令行显示当前 tag 的原型信息。(比如行号) +/zo 打开当前光标下的折叠。 -/zc 如果光标下有折叠则关闭光标下的折叠,如果没有则关闭当前的折叠。 o/za 切换光标下的折叠状态,如果光标下没有折叠,切换当前的折叠状态。 */zR 通过设置折叠级别(foldlevel)为 99 来打开所有的折叠。 =/zM 通过设置折叠级别为 0 来关闭所有的折叠。 <C-N> 转到下一个顶层 tag。 <C-P> 转到前一个顶层 tag。 s 在 tag 名称排序和文件顺序排序中切换。 x 切换 Tagbar 窗口的最大化。 q 关闭 Tagbar 窗口。
vim easymotion
" 更改快捷键 map f <Plug>(easymotion-prefix) map ff <Plug>(easymotion-s) map fs <Plug>(easymotion-f) map fl <Plug>(easymotion-lineforward) map fj <Plug>(easymotion-j) map fk <Plug>(easymotion-k) map fh <Plug>(easymotion-linebackward) " 忽略大小写 let g:EasyMotion_smartcase = 1 ... ff 全屏搜索 fs 往下搜索