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Author: XiaoLan Lee
链接器中Thumb BLX指令编码
几天前,由于某种需求,需要实现部分ARM链接器,于是找出了一年多前的链接器源码, 准备在此基础上实现。实现链接器过程中,若Thumb 2中的BLX指令未4字节对齐,程序就会崩溃。 而当时解决的办法就是对未对齐的BLX指令使用跳板(veneer),迂回解决的。现在,又有幸和BLX重逢了,当时烦恼于BLX问题的场景依然记忆犹新。 于是乎,按照以前的解决方案,按部就班的完成了这次的需求。
事后反思,直觉告诉我应该不会是BLX指令对齐引起的。因为在Thumb 2中,BLX实际上是两条Thumb指令,而Thumb指令只需要halfword(2字节)对齐。 那问题在哪里呢?
指令本身没有错,错应该就出在指令的操作数的编码上。前面看到的资料,就简单介绍说,两条Thumb指令的低11位, 拼接起来,左移1位并符号扩展成一个32位的偏移量,这个偏移量加上程序计数器PC的值,最终得到一个32位的目标绝对地址。 仔细阅读了手册后,发现上述计算方法有点小问题,这就是程序崩溃的根本原因。
1. Form the base address for the branch. This is the address of the first of the two Thumb instructions(the one with H == 10), plus 4. In other words, the base address is equal to the PC value read by that instruction.
2. If the instruction is BLX, set bit[1] of the target address to be equal to bit[1] of the base address. This is an exception to the normal rule that bits[1:0] of the address of an ARM instruction are 0b00. This adjustment is required to ensure that the restrictions associated with the H == 01 form of the instruction are obeyed.
3. Subtract the base address from the target address to form the offset. [1]
[1]: ARMv5 Architecture Reference Manual Page A7-27.